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Digital marketing uses digital technology to promote brands and convert potential customers into regular customers. It uses the internet as an advertising medium as well as mobile devices, television and the internet. 

This has become an essential part of any marketing strategy as consumers today want businesses to have a strong and effective online presence.

The scope of ppc in online marketing or digital marketing is very broad and includes all forms of marketing via electronic devices. There are many types of digital marketing services. The success of your marketing campaign depends on what type of service is best for your business needs.

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Pay per Click (PPC) – Helps you increase the visibility of your website through sponsored links on search engine pages. This campaign is relevant to the keywords used in the search engines.

The cost of this campaign depends on the competitiveness of the keywords you use. This is instant traffic which is very effective for certain keywords.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – Helps increase the visibility of the website in search engines. It is a process that involves a variety of techniques such as: Link building (internal linking and backlinking), content creation, keyword research, and website technical analysis.

Getting ranked first in search engines can help a website get a lot of traffic. Companies offering this service will provide you with regular reports to monitor the progress of this process and its impact on the position of your website.

Types of Digital Marketing Services