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Every house must have a ditch to collect and drain water from the roof. This channel must be properly maintained in order to function properly. Otherwise, rainwater will enter the walls of the house, causing cracks and other damage. 

Most people clean their sewer systems in early fall, but this is not an effective maintenance approach. Dirt and grime build up in drains all year round, so you need constant protection. There is a lot of gutter protection on the market that offers the best solution.

This security system is available in the form of a mesh material that is attached to the gutter. Leaves and tree branches and smaller debris collect at the top of the net as water flows through the sewer system. 

Gutter protection is affordable and can be found at any hardware store online and in your area. You just need to know how to compare different models to make the right choice. There are a number of factors to consider when making comparisons.

Efficiency is the first factor to consider when comparing different sewer protection systems. You will need to check the type and size of debris that the system can pick up on. This is determined by the holes or openings in the gutter guard. 

How to Compare Gutter Guard Systems – A Quick Guide
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