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Installing a skylight seems like the easiest option for a narrow, gloomy, darkroom. However, in most cases, this only happens if the right type of roof skylight is combined with the right type of roof. 

Putting the skylight on the roof is not similar to placing a window in the wall. You can also buy Velux skylights through various online sources.

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Most of us only think about the interior when fixing the skylights. However, your first priority should be your roof, followed by the placement of the roof skylights.

1. position

Skylights are presented in the home to provide lots of light, warmth and heat. But what happens if a tall tree limb over the skylight on the roof? 

The function of the skylight will be defeated. The location of the skylights is an important aspect in determining their value and efficiency.

Therefore, there must be free openings in the area where the skylight will be located. 

2. size

The size of the room also relates to the efficiency of the skylight on your roof. Unless your room is too large, your options are very limited as skylights are best for large rooms. 

If you still want skylights for a small room, your best bet is to choose elegant pyramid windows. This will create the illusion of space.

3. Shape

The shape of the roof plays a decisive role in the selection of skylights. Skylights for the sloped roof have a different tone from those for flat roofs.

The improper fitting can cause problems later on. Installing a flat skylight on a flat roof can cause water retention. Because of this problem, experts recommend using skylights on flat roofs as they promote drainage. 

In most cases, making structural changes doesn't make sense. Therefore, it is better to evaluate the space before installing roof skylights.

How To Choose The Right Roof Skylight For Your Home?