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Granite countertops are the premium choice for homes and commercial buildings in the US. These natural stone countertops provide bold statements for any living space inside the house and give a certain ambiance of class to buildings such as hotels and corporate establishments. In addition, granite tops now come in hundreds of designs that will suit any taste and style.

There are basically three types of granite tops that are used for homes and commercial establishments. (1) Granite tile countertops, (2) Modular granite countertops, and (3) Slab granite countertops. Each type of granite top has a corresponding cost and quality based on manufacture, installation, and fabrication factors.

Granite tiles are more traditionally used as flooring materials but because of the quality of this solid surface, manufacturers found them also appropriate as countertops. Granite kitchen countertops are now one of the most popular trends in American and European homes.

Unlike ceramic tiles that use mortar or plaster to fill the gaps that usually become prone to mold build-up, granite countertops use a special epoxy to attach granite tiles together leaving small shallow seams or canals in between each piece.

You can buy granite countertops in Austin via

Granite Kitchen Countertop

This is a relatively inexpensive yet practical way of having a good kitchen counter to do all your food preparation or dining activities. Black granite, a common choice for kitchen countertops, would cost around $5 per square foot. White granite is also available.

Slab granite tops are high-end items because they are manufactured, fabricated, and installed as one piece of block that is usually custom-made for a specific area.

The average size of a whole granite slab is 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 m) deep and 7 to 9 feet (2 to 2.7 m) wide. This large piece is buffed, carved, and divided into single slab countertops, 1.25 inches (3.1 cm) thick. Since it is a single chunk of granite, this means there are zero seams for these kitchen countertops, as compared to tile granite countertops and modular granite tops.

Granite Countertops in Austin: Types and Costs