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Global Warming has incessantly increased the level of heat in all parts of the world. Window films have become an all-important object of desire for most homes suffering from the cruel rays of the sun. Window tinting reduces heat and provides instant cooling.

Window film is a retrofit as it can fit well into your old and existing window. Letting you choose from a wide variety of options, allows you not to have a hard pinch in your pocket.

This focuses on energy-saving solar heat reduction. All available films are produced to lower light transmission and the percentage of light reflectivity depending on their color.

Whether you are aiming to reduce your ac or cooler consumption costs or simply planning to block some good amount of light and heat, this will block UV rays, reduce heat from entering your home and also let you enjoy heat loss during winter.

Retrofitting existing windows with solar guards is a proven means of cost effectiveness. Having a new low E window is much expensive than retrofitting window tints.

Give your existing windows a run for your money. In no time will you earn brownie points from your friends and family.

Home Window Tinting will considerably improve your current windows without taking a toll on your purse. Energy saving window films is fast becoming a popular choice in all climate zones.

Window Film: A Cost Effective Window Retrofit