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Website design involves creating the overall look and feel of a website, from the layout and graphics to the functionality of the website's features. The goal of web designing is to make it easy for users to find what they're looking for and navigate around the site. This is the process of creating a website that meets the needs and specifications of the client or customer. 

A professional web design & development company are businesses that provide services related to designing and developing websites. These companies generally have a team of designers, developers, and other professionals who work together to create custom websites for their clients. 

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Website designers can customize websites to include features such as: 

-Logo and branding: The logo and branding are important because they help distinguish your business from others. Your logo should be designed well and reflect your brand values.

-Layout: The layout will determine how users will see content on your website. You can choose between a traditional layout or a more contemporary style.

-Templates: There are many templates available online that you can use for free or for a fee. Templates make it easy to create a website without learning coding.

-Hosting: You need to decide whether you want to host your website yourself or hire someone to do it for you. Hosting costs money, so it's important to consider how much money you're willing to spend.

-Security: Websites are vulnerable to hackers who can damage them or steal data. It's important to take measures such as using secure passwords and installing security software.

What Is Website Design And Its Features?
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