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PodChatLive is a month-to-month live show for the regular expert continuing development of Podiatrists and other clincians that will be interested. It is hosted by Ian Griffiths from England in the UK and Craig Payne from Melbourne in Australia. Craig and Ian stream online each show live on Facebook and after that is later edited and uploaded to YouTube so it does reach a wide viewers. Each live episode has a different person or number of guests to discuss a unique area of interest every time. Requests and feedback are generally responded to live by the hosts and guests during the live stream on Facebook. There is not much follow-up conversation on the YouTube channel. For many who enjoy audio only, there's a PodCast version of every single show on iTunes and also Spotify and the other common podcast platforms for that use. They've got obtained a significant following which continues getting bigger. PodChatLive is regarded as one of many ways in which podiatry practitioners are able to get free professional development points.

One of many livestreams that was well-liked was a dialogue with two foot orthotic lab owners with regards to the industry and just how they connect to the podiatry professions. Foot orthotics facilities are in the business of manufacturing custom made foot orthotics which Podiatrists use for the patients. The lab owners in that stream were Artur Maliszewski (from the Footwork Podiatric Laboratory in Melbourne, Australia) and Martin McGeough (from Firefly Orthoses in Ireland). They discussed what life is like in the orthoses labs. They talked briefly about how they personally made the journey from being Podiatrists to lab managers as well as other topics such as their facilities involvement in research. There was clearly also a helpful talk around the preferences of their clients in relation to negative impression casting approaches such as the plaster of paris vs optical mapping. Also of concern was the number of people still wish to use the well known “lab discretion” box on orthoses prescriptions.

What happens in the foot orthotic labs?
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