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There are also various cosmetic dentistry procedures considered by all types of dentistry to enhance your smile. Here are some of the cosmetic dental treatments you need to go through the list to better understand them:


Broken, fractured, discolored, vacant or carious teeth are usually repaired or their appearance corrected using this combination procedure. 

A thin layer of composite resin, similar to the color of tooth dentine or tooth enamel, is applied to the tooth surface or within the cavity, where it is then molded into hardened, shaped and outlined by high-intensity light. The connection is simple, fast and one of the cheapest procedures for aesthetic dentistry and lasts for several years.

Teeth whitening:

Teeth whitening is probably the most common cosmetic dental treatment. Over the years, teeth often become discolored and worn out due to drinking, food, personal habits, medication, or poor oral hygiene.

Teeth whitening can improve the appearance of your smile. Bleaching should also be done after tartar, plaque, and other buildup, etc., to restore their natural appearance.

Dental Veneers:

This process involves creating an adhesive bond between the porcelain or composite laminate and the tooth surface to repair or repair chips and cracks, which promote discoloration or severe tooth wear. Veneers are also often recommended for gaps between teeth or damaged enamel.

In addition to the above treatments, there are several treatments that cosmetic dentistry offers, such as bridging, dental reconstruction, dental implantation, shaping or contouring teeth, etc.

Types of Cosmetic Dental Treatment