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Making the transition from school to work can be a daunting experience for anyone, but especially for those with learning disabilities. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help individuals with learning disabilities make the transition from school to work more manageable. 

Career Planning: The first step in planning a successful transition from school to work is to create a career plan. Career planning services are available through many disability services offices, vocational rehabilitation offices, and special education programs. These services can provide assistance in identifying career interests, exploring job options, and developing strategies for job search and job placement. 

Vocational Rehabilitation Services: Vocational rehabilitation (VR) services are available to individuals with learning disabilities through local and state agencies. These services provide job-related training, counseling, and other services to help individuals with disabilities become employed. VR services can include job coaching, job placement, and job retention services, as well as assistance with job-related transportation or mobility needs. 

Disability Services: Many colleges and universities offer disability services that provide assistance to students with learning disabilities. These services can include academic accommodations, counseling, and other support services. Disability services can also provide assistance in navigating the transition from school to work, such as helping to develop a job search plan and providing guidance on how to access vocational rehabilitation services. 

Employment Services: Employment services are available to individuals with learning disabilities through a variety of public and private organizations. These services can provide job placement assistance, job coaching, and other employment-related services. Employment services can also provide assistance in applying for jobs, writing resumes, and preparing for job interviews.

Transitioning From School To Work: Resources For Individuals With Learning Disabilities