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Do you get tired of carrying garden hoses around to water your lawn every day? Are you worried about installing a sprinkler system?

A lawn sprinkler system is rewarding if done right. You need to take into account your soil and climate as well as the water flow rate and pressure. 

A timer is an option to keep your lawn from getting too wet or dry. Make sure to check with your local building codes enforcement agency for the correct installation instructions. You can also visit this website  for more information about sprinklers.

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Measure your yard and plan where the sprinkler heads will be placed to get an idea of what you'll need. Sprinkler heads should not overlap with the spray of the next head to get the best coverage. 

When you're ready to dig, call your local utility hotline. They will help you locate all underground utilities. They will mark underground power, phone, cable, and gas lines for you free of charge. Digging can cause damage. Call your local utility company to be safe.

There are three ways to dig a hole: rent a trencher, rent a shovel or use a pipe installer. This is the fastest and most efficient way to get your pipe into the ground. If the soil is hardy, fill your trenches first with sand. 

A backflow prevention device is required by your building code. Place it between the meter & the manifold. Drainage is important in winter to keep your pipes from freezing.

You should not test your system unless you are certain it is functioning properly. Some sprinkler heads might need to be adjusted. Do-it-yourselfers will face the most time constraints, but professional installers can achieve the same results.

Installing a Lawn Sprinkler
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