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The first step to family mediation in Arizona is setting your ground rules. This includes defining what will and will not be discussed during the mediation process, as well as who will be responsible for making decisions. You'll also want to determine how often you and your spouse can meet to discuss settlement issues, and who will make the final decision.

This means figuring out what you and your spouse want from the mediation process and ensuring that these expectations are communicated to the mediator.

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There are a few key things to keep in mind when setting ground rules: 

-Both parties should be able to agree to the terms of the mediation. If one party refuses to participate, the mediation may not be successful. 

-The mediator cannot help resolve disputes that have not been brought up by either party. 

-The mediator is there to facilitate communication and compromise between the parties, NOT as a judge or prosecutor. 

-Any decisions made during mediation will be confidential unless both parties agree otherwise.

What Does a Family Mediation Session Look Like?

A family mediation session typically looks something like this. The mediator will meet with all involved parties in a room and provide them with an overview of the process. After that, it is up to the mediator to facilitate a discussion between the parties. This can be a challenging task, as everyone may have different opinions and needs. The mediator will often ask questions to help get everyone on the same page and to open up discussion. Once everyone has had a chance to speak, the mediator will typically compile a report which will outline what was discussed and what needs were met.

How Does Family Mediation Work?
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