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We used to see old notice boards in production halls when entering waiting rooms and even on factory floors they were used to inform employees and customers about the company.

Many manufacturing-based companies choose to replace old bulletin boards and install LCD screens that are then connected to the same data infrastructure network as the computers are turned off. You can also look for the best digital signboard by clicking on https:/

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Digital media is added by marketing and can be changed quickly, for example, if an official sends someone to visit because of illness, the greeting on the receipt changes to a new name within 30 seconds, indicating that the company is on the ball.

This is fine in public, but when a customer visits and you want to show them around your factory, it's an ideal opportunity to quickly apply your brand to your customer service as soon as they see a big display in the production area sure to do so.

The solution is to place the screen in a sturdy LCD case with IP65 protection so it can even be washed in a high-pressure jet of water, ideal for any food stand. They can be cooled or heated to create the perfect environment. 

The LCD housing is equipped with a state-of-the-art cooling system that also includes a filter element that filters out small air particles so that the air entering the device is fresh and cool. The screen in the protective enclosure can then be attached to the gate or to the ceiling with heavy fasteners.

Factory Information Points Now Using Digital Signs