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Threshold ramps are designed to help you get over a small dip or rise. They work great for power scooters or wheelchairs. These ramps can be fixed in place or portable. If you have an electric mobility scooter, it is a good idea to have a threshold ramp. Even a 1-inch dip or rise can pose a significant barrier and could result in injury if traversed. 

These ramps are sold in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials. They can be custom fit for your home or business. You can shop for threshold ramps via They are also designed to be non-skid and provide good traction. 

This prevents slips or slides. Not only do threshold ramps allow entry for scooters and wheelchairs, they also help prevent tripping injuries. These ramps provide greater and safer access for all.

Rubber, plastic and aluminum are the most common materials used in threshold ramps. These are just a few examples of threshold ramps. They can help you overcome barriers and make getting around easy. Rubber ramps are commonly sold to clear heights up to three inches. They can be used indoors or outdoors and are durable. Rubber ramps can be cut and trimmed to customize the needed height or size.

Everything You Need To Know About Threshold Ramps
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