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Pecans are the only edible nut that comes from America. Pecans are delicious, nutritious, and can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some basic stories about pecans0, along with some suggestions for enjoying them.

Native North Americans use pecans as a staple in their daily diet. They traded pecans for leather, jewelry, and tobacco. Researchers have found Indians have been living on pecans for months. Prior to their arrival in North America, explorers and early settlers had never seen or enjoyed pecans.

If you want to buy roasted and salted pecans, then you can browse the various online sources.

It took a total of about 400 years for the walnut to become a viable crop in the United States. Trees take years to grow before experiencing a noticeable return. 

Pecans can be eaten raw right out of the shell, but to really enjoy these nuts, try some roasted pecans. Roasting pecans are easy to make and deliver the best flavor nuts can offer.

These nuts make a delicious snack and there are many recipes for both savory and sweet treats. Pecans can also be sprinkled over fresh baked goods. Mix with cinnamon and sugar. 

Pecan pie is an American tradition, as is peanut toffee or soft pecan. Enjoy pecans, and American walnuts and share a slice of American history.

Everything You Need To Know About Sweet And Spicy Pecans