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Some cosmetic dental procedures go beyond improving your smile, despite their name. These treatments can also improve the function of your mouth, particularly if you have broken or decayed teeth. These procedures include crowns and fillings.

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5 Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures and Their Benefits

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For teeth with cavities due to natural wear or severe decay, fillings can be used. This treatment will only be performed if you consent to the dentist injecting anesthesia directly onto the area. 

Anesthetic gels are available in cosmetic dental clinics if you do not want to have injections. Ask your dentist for more information. The gel can also be used to numb the area being treated. Both the gel and injection can have lasting numbing effects.

Small drills will be used to clean each cavity. These small drills can remove decayed areas. To ensure that the filling is properly shaped, the dentist may also use a band to protect your tooth if there has been extensive damage.

The dentist may also apply a layer resin to protect the inside of your tooth before filling the cavity. After the filling has been placed, it will harden within a matter of minutes. There are now fillings that can be set in a matter of seconds with a blue light.

The dentist can place temporary fillings in cases where you need immediate treatment. You will need to replace the temporary filling as soon as possible. This can only last for a few weeks.


Cosmetic Dental Procedures for Restoring Teeth