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If you are experiencing severe headaches that causes you to vomit and huddle in a dark room for several hours while praying to the gods that they heal you immediately, then you are most likely suffering from migraine. You should be properly diagnosed by a doctor. It's the only way you'll know for sure that you suffer from migraines.

You should go to your regular doctor first. Migraine is a very common condition that affects one in eight people worldwide. This means that your doctor has probably had patients with migraine before. If your doctor tells you to go to a qualified medical expert, so it's time to find the headache and migraine specialist in IL.

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You can ask your doctor to refer you to a specialist. If he does not know anyone then what you can do is contact your insurance company and ask them if they have specialists listed in your area. You should also contact your local medical board for information. There are also many large sore head organizations for professionals in the United States so there is probably one near your area. You can go to these organizations to ask for names and contact specialists.

Family and friends are also good sources of information for doctors. You probably know someone who also suffers from migraines you can ask the specialist he or she sees. You can also get referrals to a teaching hospital or university.

How to Find the Specialist Migraine Doctor?