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Technology is the most important thing in a person's life today. There may be some exceptions, but most people have given up their creativity to rely solely on technology. 

You can browse the latest technology at ArabTechGate for your portal to the world of technology.

People are so used to relying on these machines that they no longer know how to do certain things when the people who lived before us were good at almost anything and made sure they learned the basics and got by when things went wrong. 

Without this machine, we couldn't do much. We depend so much on them that we give up working hard. We just learned how to use the machine and left the rest. This is what our work today requires.

The reason we can't live without technology is because we depend too much on it. We think and believe that if we don't have this technology, we won't be able to achieve anything and will be left with nothing. 

People fear their machine will fail and their computer will crash because all their work depends on them. Most people can't stay away from their cell phone  or smat phones for even a minute because all their work is done on their cell phone. 

Why is Technology so Important?