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Many of us live close enough to school or work that walking or cycling is a convenient way to get around. Biking and walking to school or work have many advantages. You can also visit to look for a bike shop in South Florida.

Here are a few reasons why you should walk and bike to school or work!

Save money

When your child's workplace or school is a mile or two from your home, driving doesn't seem like much. This may be true in a day, but if you travel twice a day, five times a week, your mileage will increase over time. Biking or walking can save you a lot of capital on gas and vehicle upkeep in the long run.

Help the environment

Leave your car and go to work by bicycle or on foot to help protect the environment. They make a positive difference whenever you walk or ride a bike instead of driving, even if the space seems so small that it's minor in the bigger picture. The longer you drive to work, the more you can make a difference.

More active

Many people find it difficult to find time for exercise or physical activity every day. Making physical exercise a normal part of your everyday routine is a wonderful way to become more active. Going to school or work by walking or cycling means more time to walk and less time to sit.

Reducing the risk of disease

Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of a number of health problems and diseases. Studies show that regular exercise lowers the risk of chronic disease and certain health issues, including osteoporosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. 

What Are The Reasons To Walk and Bike To School Or Work
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