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Anal Fissures refer to an injury to the anus's lining especially in the area where waste products are excreted. The tear is usually extending towards an elongated ring of muscles called the internal anal muscle. 

The anal fissures can be acute when they last shorter than months, they become chronic when it lasts for more than six weeks. An individual who has an anal fissure can initially feel bleeding, tearing, or burning sensation following the bowel movement. 

You can visit for acute fissure treatment.

Food for Fissure Treatment - Foods to Avoid during Anal Fissures

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When a fissure is formed the symptoms are usually experienced each time after bowel elimination and the pain in the rectal area may last from a few minutes to an hour. If the fissure gets chronic bleeding ceases however the pain will continue to last. Acute irritation, itching, or irritation to the area around the anus are typical symptoms of anal fissure.

Anal fissures treatment is a great way to relieve spasm and pain that occurs during the course of the illness It also seeks to treat the fissure. An initial anal fissures treatment is to alleviate constipation, soften the stool, and decrease the anal sphincter spasm.

Fiber therapy is a kind of treatment for anal fissures that helps to prevent the anus from being stretched too much. This is done by increasing the fiber content in the diet, which results in the softening and enlargement of the stool. 

A regular intake of vegetables and fruits can aid in this process because these foods are full of fiber. It is recommended to consume 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day.


The Truth about Anal Fissures Treatment