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Chilli seeds are used in the kitchen of almost every culture. Pepperoni seeds spice add flavour to a variety of dishes. There are thousands of varieties of red chilli seeds that vary in appearance, taste and spiciness. 

Here are some of the hottest chilli peppers in the world.

Scotch bonnet pepper

While they may look similar, Scottish red pepper and habanero pepper are different types. The Scottish hood has a distinct shape that resembles the Scottish hood and is grown mainly in Africa, while the habanero is grown mainly in Latin America. Red Scotch Bonnet Pepper is 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter and has a more tropical fruity flavour. You can buy fresh scotch bonnet via

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Bhut Jolokia

Bhut Jolokia peppercorns originate from the Assam region of northern India and have a SHU value of over one million. SHU stands for Scoville Heat Unit and measures how much water it takes to not recognize hot wort.

NuMex twilight

In addition to being extremely spicy, the NuMex Twilight chilli is also one of the most visually striking in the world. These peppers are about an inch long and very shiny, and when ripe they change from purple to orange to bright red. NuMex Twilight plants covered in peppers at various stages of ripeness are truly a sight to behold.


Tabasco pepper is the main ingredient of the famous hot sauce of the same name. They are indispensable in Creole cuisine and have their own smoky taste, combined with a high level of spiciness. Tabasco peppers are small and pointed and grow on branching plants.

The Hottest Chilli Peppers in the World