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Self-publishing is a growing trend among writers. As the path to traditional publishers narrows, DIY and do-it-yourself are often the only ways to see your work in print. I started writing as a child and continued into adulthood, short stories, poems, songs, screenplays, etc. While hoping one day I will find and be the next Stephen King. Without my newsletter, I probably would never have thought of self-publishing.

As part of my music career, I've published newsletters detailing what's going on in my life, announcing upcoming shows and projects, and generally trying to make people's lives a little brighter by bringing a little humor and inspiration from the wall offerings.  After a while, people started suggesting that this might be good book material. Once completed, there was the question of what to do with it.

I was on tour full time and I had an audience ready, people, who would probably be on my mailing list going to my concerts every night. I was able to make the book myself and sell it on the market at my various shows. The result was the 2007 book. Similarly, any would be author can make it to the end with a little guidance and consistency. For professional help, one can hire a self-publishing coach via

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If you're thinking about diving into the well of self-publishing, there are a few things to consider. 

You are in control.

You can control the whole process. In traditional publishing, once a manuscript leaves your hands, it goes to someone else for editing, someone else for art, someone else for marketing, and so on. Self-publishing authors retain all rights and control over how the work is produced and used.

You know your market.

You have a product that may have a specific audience that you are very familiar with. I am a Christian music artist and have written an inspirational book based mostly on some difficult moments in my life. I know this book will find readers.

A matter of time.

Self-publishing gets you on the road fast. If you are accepted by a traditional publisher, it will take more than a year for your book to hit the shelves. The timing of my book was only a few weeks after I got it to final draft status.

Self Publishing – Listing the Perks