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Getting a massage therapy certification is a key step to advance your professional career body. Because the state conditions vary, formal education is the key to getting qualifications to sit for both the state and national massage therapy certification exams.

Depending on the region of residence, certification of massage therapy can be obtained to the success of a quality massage therapy program. In general, basic massage training involves anatomy studies, kinesiology, physiology, body mechanics, and various massage techniques.

certificate iv in massage therapy

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In some advanced massage therapy certification programs, however, students acquire knowledge and practical training in a wide range of massage modalities including acupressure therapy meridian, geriatric massage, medical massage, lymph drainage therapy myofascial release, Craniosacral therapy, among others.

Massage therapy certification programs give students practical experience in clinical settings – for example, several massage schools of therapy colleges offer clinics open to the public where students can gain practical training (with supervision instructor) on clients.

Some of the various therapies that students administer these clinics include reflexology, sports massage, deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, chair/corporate massage, and more.

In addition to the actual training, students enrolled in massage therapy certification programs sometimes learn about CPR and first aid, business management and communication skills, herbal medicine studies, and aromatherapy essential oils, and other materials concerning the subject.

Massage Therapy Certification – Education Matters