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If you are a web developer, you may actually wonder how you create an application that will be seen on the iPhone and also the feasibility of consumers. Well, here are a few tips from my side:

Documentation and iPhone Simulator Apple always give iPhone-specific development information and this information is bundled with its Safari documentation. You can hire a dedicated iphone app developer in Perth via various online resources.

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The iPhone SDK runs only on the Mac contain an iPhone simulator which is important if someone has an iPhone and is excited to get the iPhone bandwagon. You must register as an iPhone Developer, and then install the SDK on your system. Here you will find a simulator for the iPhone.

The small CSS screen and the most obvious difference between iPhone and PC and Mac is that it has a smaller screen. If your web page is already working on desktop browsers, one strategy you can use is that you can create another CSS especially for the iPhone.

You can also add an iPhone-only styles to the main CSS using @media block if you choose to use only one style sheet. As an iPhone developer, use JavaScript to access the property window.orientation. You can check various online resources to get more info about it.

Know More About iPhone Application Development in Perth