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Looking for information on how to remove a keloid scar? Look no further. This article outlines the top methods used for keloid scar removal.

1) Stop the formation of keloids at a skin injury website by applying strain to it with a dressing. When heal the damage, you can put a dressing on it for a few hours each day. Silicone gel dressings are another alternative. After keloid scars are formed, they are often difficult to treat.

2) Get injections to flatten raised keloid scars. People usually get a shot as soon as a month until there are visible results. This may take from three to six months to see results.

3) Use cryotherapy for small keloids. Freezing with liquid nitrogen scars can also help flatten them, but this process can lead to some illicit drug to the site.

4) Improve this keloid skin color and texture to get a laser treatment. The pulsed-dye laser may be a drug that is effective in reducing the redness of scars, but some therapies may be needed.

5) Take keloids with surgical excision. For the greatest results with this process, the patient can obtain a combination of steroids and drugs of radiation immediately after surgery.

6) Seek the advice of a dermatologist and discuss options or treatments that can be done differently. One option could also be interferon therapy (see link in Assets). Relying on the severity of the condition, the doctor can recommend the most effective course of therapy for keloids remove.

How To Remove Keloid Scars
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