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General Practitioners(GP) are the doctors that work in the clinics and hospitals that you have in your area. When you go to a General Practitioner’s office, they will be able to take care of all of your medical needs, including routine check-ups and illnesses. There are many reasons why you might choose to see a general practitioner 

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They have a broad range of experience and knowledge which can be helpful in diagnosing and treating a variety of illnesses. General practitioners are often more familiar with the latest medical advances than some other health professionals. Finally, general practitioners are typically easier to find than specialists.

GPs are divided into two types: family doctors (FDs) and specialists. FDs see patients mainly for general health concerns and don’t usually specialize in any one field, while specialists focus on a specific area of medicine such as cardiology, neurology, or obstetrics and gynecology. 

A GP may be closer to you than you think if he or she practices in an area with high volume. You can find a GP online. A lot of general practitioners offer online directories that can help you find one in your area. 

You can also check with your health insurance company. Many insurance companies offer lists of recommended doctors, which can include GPs. 

How To Find A General Practitioner In Minchinbury