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Medical research continues to make it possible to treat a variety of conditions and diseases. Many of these conditions can be treated at the cellular level. This is done by using tissue from human patients and cells from donors. These cells often come from human blood, a process called apheresis.

Whole blood is taken during apheresis and divided into red blood cells (platelets), leukocytes, plasma, and platelets. Additionally, the bloodstream contains stem cells from bone marrow. Each component plays an important part in the management of many conditions and diseases. You can get detailed information about this cellular therapy on

Hemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout the body, is found in red blood cells. These cells can become sickle-shaped and cause problems in diseases like sickle cells. Transfusions of healthy red blood cells can reduce anemia and increase the oxygen-carrying cells in the bloodstream.

Patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, who have had a bone marrow transplant or are being treated with leukemia, need platelets to control their bleeding. Platelet transfusions help restore a healthy platelet level. Certain types of chemotherapy can often destroy leukocytes, which are vital in fighting infection.

Leukemia patients also have to deal with a specific type of cancer. This attacks leukocytes, causing them to become malignant and function abnormally. These cells need to be destroyed using a combination of chemotherapy and radiation.


How Cellular Therapy Is Used to Treat Numerous Diseases