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Patients who are unhappy about the shape or size of their noses undergo rhinoplasty (or "nose job"), which is the most popular choice. Rhinoplasty is not only a cosmetic procedure, but it has many other uses. It can improve the function of the nose after a trauma or illness, or help with breathing issues that interfere with sleep or exercise.

Rhinoplasty can be used to improve your breathing and appearance. It might involve the removal of the nasal tip, shaping of the nose, reshaping the nostrils, or increasing or decreasing the size of the nose. This article will provide more information about the differences between rhinoplasty before and after.

The practitioner must ensure that the patient is fully informed about the procedure, as well as the risks and benefits. Rhinoplasty is an extremely safe procedure. However, it is important to have the procedure performed by an expert.

Most patients feel mild to moderate discomfort after surgery. This can be managed with medication. The first phase of recovery can be awkward at work or in social settings because of possible bruising under your eyes and the need for a splint.

Patients should expect to wear splints on the inside and outside of the nose for about a week after rhinoplasty to protect the nasal bones and cartilage. Additionally, patients should avoid strenuous activities such as jogging or swimming for two to three weeks and avoid wearing glasses for four to five weeks.

Fast Facts About Rhinoplasty