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Synthetic turf grass has become quite a common place in many sports grounds, such as football pitches and hockey fields, as it is hard-wearing and very easy to maintain. Sir walter buffalo turf is an excellent alternative to real grass, which requires a high level of maintenance, and often requires replacement after the end of the sporting season as it is subjected to a high level of wear and tear.

With synthetic turf installed in your home, the need for harmful maintenance chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers is entirely eliminated.

Synthetic turf grass withstands all different kinds of weather, including extremely cold temperatures. You can easily wash down and disinfect your lawn if needed, leaving a clean, germ-free environment for everyone to enjoy.

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Maintaining a lawn and keeping natural grass looking green can be a costly and difficult task, especially during water usage restrictions.

By calling an artificial grass installer and switching to an artificial turf lawn today, you can immediately start saving water and reducing your carbon footprint. Artificial turf saves you time and money through its lack of maintenance, and its non-toxic, pet-friendly, and kid-friendly qualities give you and your family peace of mind.

There are many more environmental benefits of artificial turf. This will benefit the environment in sustainable ways for kids, pets, and humankind.

Environmental Benefits Of Synthetic Turf Grass In Sydney