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 Where does your dog like to sleep? On your bed or furniture, or does he have his own bed? Is your dog a new puppy or an adult dog? When choosing a dog bed, there are several factors to consider. When you get a new puppy, of course, the size of the bed you need will be small.

But as it grows, it is clear he would need a bigger bed. While young, he would need a place to sleep that is extremely durable because puppies are known to chew much. You can, however, decide to choose a larger bed that he could grow into so you do not have to buy too many dog beds. You can buy a variety of dog beds online at best prices.

Measure him as he sleeps and get a bed that is only slightly larger than him to give him enough room to be comfortable. He would not want his legs or claws extend beyond the bed because it will be uncomfortable for him. Maybe your dog likes to double up. It is quite common in small breeds.

This helps them keep warm. If this is how your dog sleeps then a round or doughnut-shaped bed would create for him just the right space. Some dogs like to prop themselves against something then a bed that has bolsters around it should be your goal. Bolster beds can be designed in a round bed and a rectangular bed.

Buying the Right Dog Bed for Your Dog
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