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Medical marijuana is nothing new in Michigan. Instead, it is the basis for 14 other countries in the Union to proactively decriminalize cannabis for drug use. Thanks to Michigan's state-of-the-art medical marijuana program, more and more people are starting to understand how convenient medical use is in Michigan.

Current medical marijuana legislation in Michigan: The law here can be difficult to understand if you are not a lawyer. However, they can be broken down into basic terms to make distortion easier. The law guarantees that "critically ill patients have the right to obtain and use Michigan marijuana genetics for medicinal purposes.

A Quick Guide to Medical Cannabis

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They are designed to ensure that patients and their primary caregivers who receive and use marijuana for medical purposes on the recommendation of a doctor are not subject to any criminal prosecution or sanctions.

Who Can Legally Use Medical Marijuana In Michigan: By law, only patients and caregivers are state-approved. Michigan law requires all patients to be enrolled in the Michigan Department of Health (CDPH) medical program.

To qualify, the patient must be examined by a doctor and a written recommendation of marijuana. You should then contact the health department with this recommendation to get a medical marijuana card in Michigan.

Where to Buy Medical Cannabis in Michigan: Once you receive your Michigan Medical Cannabis Card in the mail, you will be able to purchase marijuana at various pharmacies around the state.

A Quick Guide to Medical Cannabis