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Only patients and state-approved caregivers are allowed to use medical marijuana. California law requires that all patients be registered in the medical marijuana program. It is administered by the department of public health. 

Patients must have their medical records reviewed by a physician and a recommendation written for marijuana. To be issued a medical marijuana card, they will need to submit a request to the health department. If you want to get more information about medical marijuana, you can hop over to this website.

Where Can You buy medical cannabis?

Once you receive your medical cannabis card in the mail, it will allow you to buy cannabis at various dispensaries located across the state. Only valid cardholders (or primary caregivers) are allowed to enter and make purchases at dispensaries. Each county has its own rules regarding how much marijuana a patient can buy or possess at any one time.

Qualifying medical conditions or cannabis use

This state is very different from other states that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes. Medical cannabis has the most liberal program for medical marijuana. There are currently 166 qualifying conditions. 

Each year, a few conditions are added or removed by the voters. An experienced marijuana doctor will help you determine whether you are eligible under state law.

Patients who are in pain now have an alternative option to healthcare. This is because they don't need to worry about side effects, adverse reactions, or interactions with prescription drugs.

A Quick Guide To Medical Cannabis In Canada